women’s Concealed Carry Class – CCW for Women
Location: Lakewood
1 day course
cost: $125
Level: intermediate-advanced
what to expect
We understand your time is valuable and limited, therefore, we make attending our concealed handgun permit class easy and convenient. This class is invaluable in preparing you to carry a concealed handgun.
The Gallery’s Concealed Handgun Permit course is one of the most comprehensive courses offered in the state of Colorado. This course meets and exceeds the requirements for all of the county sheriffs of Colorado.
Held in one 5 hour session, you’ll receive expert guidance in the nuances of carrying a concealed firearm in Colorado by experienced NRA certified instructors with diverse backgrounds and experience. You will also have a special presentation from US Law Shield assisting you to protect yourself both criminally and civilly should you face charges or legal proceedings regarding a firearm.
After successfully completing the training course and required firearms qualification, each student will receive a signed certificate of completion which will allow them to complete the permit application process. This certificate provides documentary evidence demonstrating competence with a handgun as specified in section 18-12-203 (1) (h) of the Colorado Revised Statute, which you submit to your local sheriff as part of the application process. CCW FOR WOMEN CCW FOR WOMEN CCW FOR WOMEN
course materials:
What to Bring
- Your pistol, if you own one (available for rent at the range)
- Eye and Ear Protection (available for rent at the range)
- 50 rounds of ammunition (available for purchase at the range)
- Targets (available for purchase at the range)
“Taking your concealed class anywhere else would be a mistake.”
Recommended follow-on course: Concealed Carry Level 2